This is a brief version of the attendance policy. Please refer to the student handbook for more detailed information.
**If the student arrives in class the first 10 minutes after the tardy bell, they are considered “tardy”. After 10 minutes they will be counted absent for that class.
**The following absences WILL count against final exemptions: U(unexcused), E (excused), ISS, OSS. (see student handbook)
**The following absences WILL NOT count against exemptions: FNL (funeral), CD (college day), UIL, CFT (field trip), GUD, NRS, CRT(court), REL (religious holy day), MED.
**The student has 3 days from the date he/she returns to school to bring a note from home or a doctor. After the 4th day, the absence will stay unexcused and the note will be placed in the student’s file.
**Medical absence. This causes some confusion. Please read carefully
*State law says a student will be marked MED when the following conditions are met; the student MUST be in attendance at least one period during the school day AND bring proper documentation from the doctor’s office, stating the student was at the doctor’s office.
*If the student is absent for the entire school day and brings a doctor’s note, the absence will be marked excused.
*If the student is hospitalized and returns to school with a doctor’s note, the absence will be marked excused.
*A student who is absent for more than 5 days due to illness is required to bring a doctor’s note when returning to school.
Early Dismissals
Please note….students are not allowed to leave the building without checking out through the Attendance Office. Students will NOT be released from class until a parent/guardian comes in to sign them out. Teachers will not let students out of class because the parent/guardian has sent a text or called to have the student meet them.
**We will not be able to release a student with a phone call or an email. Students needing to leave school during the day will bring a note from the parent/guardian to the Attendance Office stating the time to be released and the reason before their first class of the day (the note can be written for personal reasons; however, the absence will be marked unexcused). The student will get an “early dismissal” from the Attendance office. The student will show the early dismissal slip to the teacher at the appointed time (DON'T give the early dismissal to the teacher, you will need it to get out of the building), go to the Attendance Office to sign out, and then meet the parent/guardian. When the student returns to school, he/she must stop by the Attendance office to get an admit, bringing the early dismissal and the doctor’s note, if that is the case.
**Parents/guardians coming in to check out a student must stop at the front desk to check-in before coming to the Attendance office. A note with a reason will be written and we will call your student from the class. Please keep in mind there will be times it will more difficult to find a student…during lunches and PE classes. If you know the student will need to leave during these times, it will be easier if the student brings a note before school. We will do our best to find your student in a timely manner.
College days, Juniors and Seniors
Please review the required procedures
The state allows for 2 college days per school year. The student will need to stop by the Attendance office to pick up a “College Day” form that requires a parent signature. This paperwork MUST be returned to the Attendance Office before the visit. During the college visit, the student will get documentation from the college. You may have to ask for this, some colleges do not automatically give this. We will not accept parking tags, confirmation emails, plane tickets, hotel reservations/bills, maps or t-shirts. Bring the college documentation to the Attendance Office on the day you return. You will have 3 days to bring documentation.
If you have any questions, please call the Attendance office, 764-5500.